District & Sessions Judge SWKH Recruitment 2025, Stenographer & Driver Vacancy

District & Sessions Judge SWKH Recruitment 2025: The District Selection & Promotion Committee, South West Khasi Hills District, Mawkyrwat, has released an employment notification for the recruitment of a Stenographer Grade-III and Driver in the establishment of District & Sessions Judge, South West Khasi Hills District, Mawkyrwat. The last date to apply is 28th March 2025.

1. Post Name: Stenographer Grade-III

No of posts 1 [UR:1]
Salary Pay level-8
The upper age limit is 18 to 32 years of age as of 1st March 2025. The upper age limit is relaxable by 5 (five) years in the case of SC/ST candidates.
Essential Qualification Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University with a Diploma in Stenography in English.
Requirement Minimum speed of 80 wpm in shorthand and typing speed of 40 wpm in computer. Based on written/typing tests and personal  interview

2. Post Name: Driver

No of posts 1 [UR:1]
Salary Pay level-3
The upper age limit is 18 to 32 years of age as of 1st March 2025. The upper age limit is relaxable by 5 (five) years in the case of SC/ST candidates.
Essential Qualification SSLC Passed from a recognized Board.
Requirement : Must hold a valid Driving License for driving a Light Motor Vehicle and Transport Vehicle. Must also possess the following: Knowledge of minor repair and efficiency in driving with 3 (three) years experience after obtaining a valid driving License.

How to apply for District & Sessions Judge SWKH Recruitment 2025, Stenographer & Driver?

Candidates are to apply and submit their application (offline mode only) during working hours from the 3rd March 2025 tothe  28th March 2025 in the establishment of District & Sessions Judge, Mawkyrwat.

All candidates should submit their application in Standard Form along with attested/ self attested copies of certificate in support of education qualification, age, experience and 2 (two) copies of passport size photograph. Candidates should submit a self addressed envelop. Candidates will have to produce the original certificate as and when required.

Candidates applying for more than one post should submit separated.

Application Fee

Applicants are required to pay the fee of Rs. 300/-(Rupees three hundred)only for the  General category and Rs. 150/- (Rupees One hundred fifty)only for the  SC & ST category.

The requisite fe as indicated above,e is payable by Demand Draft in favour of “District and Sessions Judge, South West Khasi Hills District, Mawkyrwat”.

The Demand Draft should have been drawn on or after the publication of the advertisement from any branch of the  State Bank of India. However, candidates are advised to keep a copy of the receipt after payment and produce it along with the application form. Candidates must also write his/her name, address and post applied for on the back of the Demand Draft.

Advertisement No: SWK/DSJ.42/Pt.II/2020142 (Date: 26.02.2025)

Those who wish to apply are advised to go through the below official notification in detail before submitting applications. Download the

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