ARHS Lokra Recruitment 2022: Assam Rifles High School (ARHS), Lokra, District-Sonitpur (Assam) has released employment news notification for the recruitment 09 posts TGT, PRT, Pre-Primary Teacher, Counsellor, Special Educator, Librarian, Office Assistant cum Accountant, Safai D Karmacharies and AYA Vacancy purely Adhoc/ Contractual. Interested and eligible candidates may apply before 07/02/2022.
1. TGT
- Subject: (English, Hindi, Science, Social Science)
- Education Qualification: Graduation in main subject + B.Ed./Post Graduation or equivalent.
2. PRT
- Education Qualification: Graduation/Post Graduation with B.Ed/D.El.Ed.
3. Pre-Primary Teacher
- Education Qualification: Graduation with NTT/D.El.Ed./B.Ed.
4. Counsellor
- Education Qualification: Post Graduate in Psychology or Masters in Child Development with 1 year Post Graduate Diploma in Counseling and Guidance.
5. Special Educator
- Education Qualification: Post Graduate Diploma in Community based rehabilitation with size months certificate course in education of children with special needs.
6. Librarian
- Education Qualification: B.Sc. (Lib)/Graduate with Diploma in Lib Science and Computer Literate.
7. Officer Assistant cum Accountant
- Education Qualification: Any Graduate (Preferably B.Com) with Computer literate and experience as an Accounts Clerk.
8. Safai D Karmacharies
- Education Qualification: Preferably matriculate (Male & Female)
9. AYA
- Education Qualification: Preferably Matriculate.
How to Apply ARHS Lokra Recruitment 2022?
Applications (preferably CSB/CTET/TET qualified persons) alongwith complete bio-data/Resume and photocopy of all relevant certificates/all testimonials with one copy of recent passport size photograph are invited by 07th February, 2022.
Assam Rifles High School, Lokra
Post: Lokra, District: Sonitpur
(Assam), Pin-784102
Those who wish to apply are advised to go through the ARHS Lokra Recruitment 2022: TGT, PRT, Librarian & Other Vacancy official notification in detail before submitting applications.