GAIL Gas Limited Recruitment 2023: Associate Vacancy (120 Posts)

GAIL Gas Limited Recruitment 2023: Gas Authority of India Limited (GAIL) Gas Limited has released an employment notification for the recruitment of 120 Sr. Associate and Jr. Associate vacancies. The last date for submission of the application is 10th April 2023.

1. Post Name: Sr. Associate (Technical)

No. of vacancies: 71 [UR: 31, EWS: 07, OBC-NCL: 19, SC: 10 & ST: 05]

2. Post Name: Sr. Associate (Fire & Safety) 

No. of vacancies: 12 [UR: 07, EWS: 01, OBC-NCL: 03 & SC: 01]

3. Post Name: Sr. Associate (Marketing) 

No. of vacancies: 06 [UR: 05 & OBC-NCL: 01]

4. Post Name: Sr. Associate (Finance & Accounts)

No. of vacancies: 06 [UR: 05 & OBC-NCL: 01]

5. Post Name: Sr. Associate (Company Secretary)

No. of vacancies: 02 [UR]

6. Post Name: Sr. Associate (Human Resource)

No. of vacancies: 06 [UR: 05 & OBC-NCL: 01]

7. Post Name: Jr Associate (Technical)

No. of vacancies: 16 [UR: 08, EWS: 01, EWS-NCL: 04, SC: 02 & ST: 01]
Qualification & Experience: Check the Official Advertisement.
Emolument: The consolidated emoluments in respect of Senior Associate are Rs 60,000/- Per Month and Junior Associates is Rs 40,000/- Per Month which includes Pay, HRA, and other allowances.

Application Fee of GAIL Gas Limited Vacancy

  • At the time of submission of online application, candidates belonging to the General, EWS & OBC (NCL) category are required to pay a non-refundable application fee of Rs. 100/- (Rupees One Hundred only) (excluding applicable Convenience Fee and Taxes).
  • The Application fee once paid will neither be refunded on any account nor would this fee be held in reserve for future exams/selections.
  • SC/ST/PwBD category candidates are exempted from payment of application fees. However, for claiming exemption in application fees, SC/ST candidates will have to submit a true copy of the SC/ST certificate as applicable, issued by the Competent Authority in the prescribed format, and PwBD category candidates claiming exemption in application fee will have to submit a true copy of disability certificate in the prescribed format issued by Competent Authority at the time of further Selection Process.

How to Apply for GAIL Gas Limited Vacancy?

  • Candidates can apply for ONE POST ONLY. In case of submission of more than one application by a candidate, the latest application submitted shall be considered for this advertisement. No further correspondence regarding this shall be entertained.
  • Before registering/applying online, candidates are advised to go through Detailed Instructions. The candidate should possess the following and keep the same handy while applying online:
  1. Valid email ID and mobile no.
  2. Scanned copy of a self-attested recent passport-size colored photograph (3.5 X 4.5 cm) of the candidate. The size of the file should be up to 100kb. Jpg/.jpeg format only.
  3. Scanned copy of the signature (signed on white paper with black pen) of the candidate. The size of the file should be up to 100kb in .jpg/.jpeg format only.
  4. Details of Debit Card/Credit Card/Net Banking required for paying online application fee.
  • After submitting the online application, the candidate is required to download the Application Form generated by the system with a unique registration number. Candidate should put his/her signature in the space provided and keep the form with him/her for future reference.
  • Candidates should have a valid personal e-mail ID and mobile number. It should be kept active during the entire recruitment process. Registration number, password, and all other important communication will be sent on the same registered e-mail ID (please ensure that email sent to this mailbox is not redirected to your junk/spam folder).

Those who wish to apply are advised to go through the below official notification in detail before submitting applications.

Online Application Link Click Here
Download Official Notification Click Here
Job Updates on Facebook Click Here
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