LGBRIMH Tezpur Recruitment 2022: LGB Regional Institute of Mental Health (LGBRIMH), Tezpur (Assam) has released employment news notification for the recruitment of 06 JE (Civil), Garden Supervisor, Medical Superintendent, Project Engineer, Matron and Assistant Administrative Officer Vacancy. Interested and eligible candidates may apply before 10/02/2022.
1. JE (Civil)
- No. of vacancy: 01 (UR)
- Essential Qualification: Diploma in Civil Engineering/from a recognized University or Institute.
- Desirable Qualification: Degree in Civil Engineering/Engineering from a recognized university or Institute. Working experience in a central/state/semi-govt. organization.
- Level: L-6
- Age limit: 32 years
2. Garden Supervisor
- No. of vacancy: 01 (UR)
- Essential Qualification: Diploma in Agriculture/Horticulture with one year experience.
- Level: L-4
- Age limit: 27 years
3. Medical Superintendent
- No. of vacancy: 01 (One)
- Essential Qualification: (i) A recognized medical qualification included in the I or II Schedule or Part II of the third Schedule (Other than licentiate qualifications) to the Indian Medical Council Act of 1956. Holders of educational qualifications included in part II of the Third schedule should also fulfill the conditions stipulated in subsection (3) of section (13) of Indian Medical Council Act 1956. (ii) Post Graduate degree/Diploma in the concerned specialty mentioned in Schedule-VI or equivalent.
- Experience: 10 years experience in the hospital administration in hospitals after obtaining P.G. degree in a senior position, preferably in hospitals with 300 beds.
- Pay Band: L-13
- Age limit: Below 56 years
4. Project Engineer
- No. of vacancy: 01 (One)
- Essential Qualification: Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering from recognized University/Institutions.
- Experience: Working experience as an executive engineer in a govt. or semi govt. organization on regular basis especially in building civil constructions works. Officers under central/State/UT govt./universities/statutory/autonomous bodies/organization holding analogous post on regular basis or 8 years of regular service in the grade as Assistant Engineer (civil) in the pay scale of Rs.9300-34800/- or 4 years of regular service as an assistant executive engineer (civil) in the pay scale of 8000-275-13500/-.
- Pay Band: L-10
- Age limit: Below 56 years
5. Matron
- No. of vacancy: 01 (One)
- Essential Qualification: Holding analogous post in any state/Central Government/ Autonomous body or institution under Govt. of India or 5 years of regular service as Assistant Matron in the pay scale of Rs.6500-6900/9300-34800+GP 5400/L-9 in any central/state govt. hospital/or Autonomous body/Institution under Govt. of India.
- Pay Band: L-10
- Age limit: Below 56 years
6. Assistant Administrative Officer
- No. of vacancy: 01 (One)
- Essential Qualification: Officials working under Central/State Governments/ Autonomous organizations/Statutory Bodies and PSU in an analogous posts in regular basis, or person working as office superintendent with 5 (five) year’s regular service in the pay scale of Rs.5500-9000/ 9300-34800+GP 4200 or equivalent with good knowledge of central govt. rules related to medical institute/college.
- Pay Band: L-7
- Age limit: Below 56 years
How to Apply LGBRIMH Tezpur Recruitment 2022?
The application in prescribed format is to be accompanied with the Bank Draft of Rs.100/- to be drawn in favour of the Director, LGBRIMH, Tezpur and attested copies of all certificates/one PP size photograph so as to reach to the Administrative Officer, LGBRIMH, Tezpur-784001 latest by 10.02.2022 within working hours. The envelope containing the application should be super-scribed with “Application for the post of …………………..”.
Those who wish to apply are advised to go through the LGBRIMH Tezpur Recruitment 2022: Supervisor, Matron & Other Vacancy official notification in detail before submitting applications.