Meghalaya Job Portal: Dr. H. Gordon Roberts Hospital Shillong has released an employment notification for the recruitment of General Surgeon, Radiologist, Anaesthetist, Pediatrician, and Medical Officer. The last date for submission of the application is 13th January 2023.
1. General Surgeon
- No of posts:- 1 (One)
- Salary:- Rs. 63250-1900- 72750-2200- 83750-2500- 96250-2900-110750-3350- 127500/- plus other allowances
- Essential Qualification:- MBBS with DNB/MS from any recognized Institution/University.
2. Radiologist
- No of posts:- 1 (One)
- Salary:-
# Grade B (MD): Rs. 63250-1900-72750- 2200-83750-2500- 96250-2900- 110750- 3350-127500/- plus Other allowances
# Grade C (Dip): Rs. 52250-1575-60125- 1800-69125- 2075-79500- 2400-91500-2800-105500 /- plus other allowances - Essential Qualification:- MBBS with DMRD/DNB/MD in Radio-diagnosis from any recognized Institution/University
3. Anaesthetist
- No of posts:- 1 (One)
- Salary:-
# Grade B (MD): Rs. 63250-1900-72750- 2200-83750-2500- 96250-2900- 110750- 3350-127500/- plus Other allowances
# Grade C (Dip): Rs. 52250-1575-60125- 1800-69125- 2075-79500- 2400-91500-2800-105500 /- plus other allowances - Essential Qualification:– MBBS with DNB/MD in Anesthesiology from any recognized Institution/University.
4. Pediatrician
- No of posts:- 1 (One)
- Salary:-
# Grade B (MD): Rs. 63250-1900-72750- 2200-83750-2500- 96250-2900- 110750- 3350-127500/- plus Other allowances
# Grade C (Dip): Rs. 52250-1575-60125- 1800-69125- 2075-79500- 2400-91500-2800-105500 /- plus other allowances - Essential Qualification:- MBBS with DNB/MD in Pediatrics from any recognized Institution/University
5. Medical Officer (Contractual)
- No of posts:- 1 (One)
- Salary:- Rs 40000 /- per Month plus other admissible allowances
- Essential Qualification:- MBBS from any recognized Institution/University.
How to apply for Doctor Jobs in Dr. H. Gordon Roberts Hospital Shillong?
Eligible candidates may submit their applications with certificates to the office of the Medical Superintendent, Dr. H. Gordon Roberts Hospital Shillong on or before 13th January 2023.
Those who wish to apply are advised to go through the below official notification in detail before submitting applications.