NEIAH Shillong Recruitment 2022: North Eastern Institute of Ayurveda & Homoeopathy (NEIAH), Mawdiangdiang, Shillong has released employment news notification for the recruitment of 27 Professor, Associate Professor, Reader, Lecturer and other various vacancies under the Ministry of Ayush, Govt. of India. Interested and eligible candidates may apply before 30/03/2022.
1. Professor (Ayurveda)
- No. of vacancy: 07 (Seven)
- Essential Qualification:
- PG Degree in Ayurveda in concerned subject recognized under IMCC Act, 1970.
- 5 years teaching experience as Reader/ Associate Professor in the concerned subject or 5 years research experience in PB-III (Rs. 15,600 – 39,100) with GP 7600/- with NPA
- 15 years combined experience in teaching as Reader/Associate as Reader/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor/Lecturer in concerned subject or 15 years Research experience in the pay scale of PBIII (Rs. 15,600 – 39,100) with GP of Rs. 7600/-,Rs. 6600/- and Rs. 5400/- with NPA respectively out of which minimum 2 years in the pay scale of PB-III ( Rs. 15,600 – 39,100) with GP Rs. 7600/- with NPA.
- Minimum five research publications indexed in index medicus or National Journals.
- Discipline:– Roga Nidan, Rasa Shastra, Panchakarma, Dravyaguna Vigyan Prasuti Tantra & Stree Roga, Kaumarbhritta, Shalakya Tantra
- Age: Up to 65 years
2. Associate Professor (Ayurveda)
- No. of vacancy: 06 (Six)
- Essential Qualification:
- PG Degree in Ayurveda in concerned subject recognized under IMCC Act, 1970.
- 5 years teaching/research experience in the concerned subject in PB-III (Rs. 15,600 – 39,100) with GP 6600/- with NPA
- 10 years combine experience in teaching as Assistant Professor/Lecturer or 10 years Research experience in the concerned subject of PB-III (Rs. 15,600 – 39,100) with GP of Rs. 6600/- and Rs. 5400/- respectively.
- Minimum three research publications indexed in index medicus or National Journals.
- Discipline:- Sharir Kriya Vigyan, Agada Tantra, Kayachikitsa, Kaumarbhritta, Prasuti Tantra & Stree Roga, Samhita & Siddhanta
- Age: Up to 65 years
3. Professor (Homeopathy)
- No. of vacancy: 01 (One)
- Essential Qualification:
- PG Degree in Homoeopathy in concerned subject included in the Schedule II of the Homoeopathy Central Council Act, 1973.
- 5 years teaching experience as Reader/Associate Professor in the concerned subject or, 5 years research experience in PB-III (Rs. 15,600 – 39,100) with GP 7600/- with NPA
- 15 years combine experience in teaching as Reader/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor/Lecturer in concerned subject or 15 years Research experience in the pay scale of PBIII (Rs. 15,600 – 39,100) with GP of Rs. 7600/-,Rs. 6600/- and Rs. 5400/- with NPA respectively out of which minimum 2 years in the pay scale of PB-III ( Rs. 15,600 – 39,100) with GP Rs. 7600/- with NPA.
- Minimum five research publications indexed in index medicus or National Journals.
- Discipline:- Organon of Medicine
- Age: Up to 65 years
4. Professor (Allied subject)
- No. of vacancy: 03 (Three)
- Essential Qualification:
- PG Degree in the concerned subject Homoeopathy included in the Schedule II of CCH Act 1973.OR, PG Medical Degree in concern subject recognized under IMC Act 1956.
- 15 years teaching experience out of which 3 years as Reader/Associate Professor in the concerned subject.
- 5 years PG teaching experience
- Desirable:
- PhD in the concerned subject
- Experience as Supervisor/Guide for Post Graduate programme in Homeopathy and original publication in research.
- Research experience
- Administrative experience
- Discipline:- Physiology, Surgery, Obs, and Gynae
- Age: Up to 65 years
5. Reader (Allied Subject)
- No. of vacancy: 04 (Four)
- Essential Qualification:
- PG Degree in concerned subject of Homoeopathy included in the Schedule II of CCH Act 1973 and Registered with Central/ State council of Homoeopathy. OR, PG Medical Degree in concerned subject recognized under IMC Act 1956
- 7 years teaching including 3 years in PG teaching in concerned subject OR 10 years Under Graduate teaching experience in the concerned subject as Lecturer/Sr. Lecturer/Assistant Professor.
- Discipline:– Anatomy, Surgery, Obs and Gynae, Physiology
- Age: Up to 65 years
6. Lecturer (Allied Subject)
- No. of vacancy: 02 (Two)
- Essential Qualification: Post Graduate Medical Degree in concerned subject recognized under IMC
PG Degree in the concern subject of Homoeopathy included in the Schedule II of CCH Act 1973 and Registered with Central/State council of Homoeopathy.
- Discipline:- Pathology & Microbiology Community Medicine
- Age: Up to 65 years
7. Surgical Specialist
- No. of vacancy: 01 (One)
- Essential Qualification:
- Post Graduate Medical degree in the concerned subject recognized under IMC Act, 1970.
- Registered with the MCI or state Council in a hospital/Institute of repute.
- 7 years experience in the relevant subject after acquiring Post Graduate Degree.
- Age: Up to 65 years
8. Radiologist
- No. of vacancy: 01 (One)
- Essential Qualification:
- Post Graduate Medical Degree in the concerned subject recognized under IMC Act.
- Two years experience in the related field after acquiring Post Graduate Degree.
- Age: Up to 65 years
9. Anesthetist
- No. of vacancy: 01 (One)
- Essential Qualification:
- Post Graduate Medical degree in the concerned subject recognized under IMC Act.
- Register with the MCI or state Council in a hospital/Institute of repute.
- 3 years Senior Residency in the concerned subject.
- Age: Up to 65 years
10. Pediatrician
- No. of vacancy: 01 (One)
- Essential Qualification:
- Post Graduate degree in the concerned subject recognized under IMC Act.
- Register with the MCI or state Council in a hospital/Institute of repute.
- 7 years experience in the relevant subject after acquiring Post Graduate Degree.
- Age: Up to 65 years
How to Apply NEIAH Shillong Recruitment 2022?
Interested candidates fulfilling the criteria may sent application form in the prescribe format through Email on or before 30/03/2022.
Download Application Form
Short-listed candidates after due scrutiny will be called for Interviews. The selection will be made through Interviews scheduled to be held at the Office of the Director, NEIAH, Mawdiangdiang, Shillong Meghalaya-793018 (Near NEIGRIHMS Police Out Post).
The interview intimation shall be sent by email only. Candidates should bring two passport size photographs and original certificates along with a photocopy of the same duly self-attested in support of their Age, Qualifications, Registration & Experience, etc. In case no candidate is found suitable for appointment in the higher post in teaching, the post will be filled up by respective lower level post.
A retired person from Central Govt./ State Govt./ Govt. Autonomous Organization may apply. For details of advertisement regarding Name & No’s of the posts, qualification, experience, Application Proforma, etc.
Advertisement No:- NEIAH/ADVT/2022/01 (Date: 16.03.2022)
Those who wish to apply are advised to go through the NEIAH Shillong Recruitment 2022: Professor, Reader, Lecturer & Other Vacancy official notification in detail before submitting applications.