NFR Maligaon Recruitment 2022: Sportsperson Vacancy (16 Posts)

NFR Maligaon Recruitment 2022: Northeast Frontier Railway (NFR) for Head Quarters Unit Maligaon has released an employment notification for the recruitment of 16 Sportsperson Vacancy through open advertisement against the following sports discipline. The last date for submission of the application is 07th November, 2022.


  • No. of vacancy: 16 (Sixteen)

# Athletics: 01

# Archery: 02

# Tennis: 01

# Basketball: 04

# Table Tennis: 01

# Volleyball: 02

# Boxing: 01

# Weightlifting: 02

# Cricket: 02

Minimum qualification for NFR Maligaon

Represented the country in any of the Category-B championships/events.


At least 3rd position in any of the Category-C championships/events.


At least 3rd position in Senior/Youth/Junior National Championships.


At least 3rd position in National Games organized under the aegis of Indian Olympic Association.


At least 3rd position in All India Inter University Championships organized under the aegis of Association of Indian Universities.


1st position in Federation Cup Championships (Senior Category).

Age limit for NFR Maligaon Sportsperson

(a) Minimum 18 years and maximum 25 years. The date of reckoning of age shall be 01.01.2023. No relaxation in lower or upper age limit will be permissible.

(b) Proof of Age viz., Matriculation certificate issued by a recognized board or equivalent must be produced.

Selection Procedure: Short-listed eligible candidates will be called for –

(i) Trial of sports performance.

(ii) Interview and assessment of sports achievement, educational qualification etc.

How to Apply NFR Maligaon Recruitment?

Candidates fulfilling the eligibility criteria should apply as per application format given at Annexure-A by the candidate in his/her own handwriting on a good quality A-4 size plain paper along with two recent (taken within last two months) passport size photographs duly self-attested without wearing any wig, cap or coloured glasses. The application should be duly filled and signed by the candidate in own handwriting.

Applications must be sent through ordinary post addressed to Sr. Personnel Officer (Recruitment), Northeast Frontier Railway HQ, Maligaon, Guwahati – 781 011 (Assam) OR dropped in the APPLICATION BOX in the Recruitment Section in the Office of Pr. Chief Personnel Officer, NF Railway HQ, Maligaon, Guwahati (Assam) on or before 07.11.2022 (For candidates residing in Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Jammu & Kashmir, Lahaul&Spiti Districts, Pangi Sub-Division in Chamba District of Himachal Pradesh, Lakshadweep and abroad, the last date is 17.11.2022 by post only).

The envelope should be superscribed “RECRUITMENT AGAINST SPORTS QUOTA:: EVENT -….. & GP – …” with the name of the event.

Application Fee of NFR Maligaon Recruitment

(i) For all candidates except those mentioned in sub-para (ii) below: Rs. 500/- (Rupees Five Hundred) only with a provision for refunding Rs. 400/- to candidates actually appearing in the written examination/trial). The IPO should be drawn in favour of PFA /NF Railway, and payable at Maligaon Post Office, Guwahati – 781011. Candidates must write their names & full address in the IPO.

(ii) For candidates belonging to SC/ST/Ex. Servicemen/Persons with Disabilities (PWDs), Women, Minorities and Economic Backward Classes: Rs. 250/- (Rupees Two Hundred Fifty) only with a provision for refunding the same to those who actually appear in the written examination/trial.

(iii) ‘Minority’ means Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, Zoroastrians (Parsis) & Sikhs. Economically backward classes will mean those candidates whose family income is less than Rs. 50,000/- per annum.

# The following officials are authorized to issue income certificate for the purpose of identifying economically backward classes:

(a) District Magistrate or any other Revenue Officer up to the level of Tehsildar.

(b) Sitting MP of LokSabha for persons of their own constituency.

(c) BPL Card or any other certificate issued by Central Government under a recognized poverty alleviation programme or Izzat MST issued by Railways.

(d) Union Minister may also recommend for any persons from anywhere in the country.

(e) Sitting MP of RajyaSabha for persons of the district in which the MP normally resides.

# The income certificate issued by the authorities mentioned in Para – 11(iii) above must be as per format given at Annexure-B enclosed herewith. This will have to be issued on the letterhead of the issuing authority.

(iv) A candidate applying for more than one event must submit separate applications with separate IPOs and complete documents for each event.

Those who wish to apply are advised to go through the below official notification in detail before submitting applications.

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