SBI PO Recruitment 2022: SBI Probationary Officer (1673 Posts)

SBI PO Recruitment 2022: Applications are invited from eligible Indian Citizens for appointment as Probationary Officers (POs) in the State Bank of India. The selected candidates may be posted anywhere in India. Any Graduate can apply. The last date for submission of the application is 12.10.2022.

Post Name:- SBI PO (Probationary Officer)

  • No of posts:- 1673
  1. Regular Vacancy: 1600 Posts [SC:240, ST:120, OBC:432, EWS:160, UR:648]
  2. Backlog Vacancy: 73 Posts [SC:30, ST:11, OBC:32]
  • Age limit:- Not below 21 years and not above 30 years as of 01.04.2022 i.e. candidates must have been born not later than 01.04.2001 and not earlier than 02.04.1992 (both days inclusive). The Upper age relaxation is up to 3 years for OBC, 5 years for SC/ST, and 10 years for PWD candidates.
  • Salary:- Presently, the starting basic pay is Rs. 41,960/- (with 4 advance increments) on the scale of 36000- 1490/7- 46430-1740/2- 49910-1990/7-63840 applicable to Junior Management Grade Scale-I.
  • Essential Academic Qualifications (as of 31.12.2022):-
  1. Graduation in any discipline from a recognized University or any equivalent qualification recognized as such by the Central Government.
  2. Those who are in the Final Year/ Semester of their Graduation may also apply provisionally subject to the condition that, if called for an interview, they will have to produce proof of having passed the graduation examination on or before 31.12.2022.
  3. Candidates having an Integrated Dual Degree (IDD) certificate should ensure that the date of passing the IDD is on or before 31.12.2022.
  4. Candidates possessing qualifications such as Medical, Engineering, Chartered Accountant, and Cost Accountant would also be eligible.

How to apply for SBI PO Recruitment 2022: SBI Probationary Officer Vacancy?

Candidates can apply online only from 22.09.2022 to 12.10.2022. No other mode of application will be accepted.

Candidates will be required to register themselves online through Bank’s ‘Career’ website or After registration candidates are required to pay the requisite application fee through online mode by using debit card/ credit card/ Internet Banking.

Selection Procedure

The selection for Probationary Officers will be done through a three-Phase process

Phase-I: Preliminary Examination

A preliminary Examination consisting of an Objective Test for 100 marks will be conducted online. The test will have of 3 Sections (with separate timings for each section) as follows:

  • English Language: 30 Marks
  • Quantitative Aptitude: 35 Marks
  • Reasoning Ability: 35 Marks
Phase-II: Main Examination

The main Examination will be conducted online and will consist of Objective Tests for 200 marks and Descriptive Tests for 50 marks.

  • Reasoning & Computer Aptitude: 50 Marks
  • Data Analysis & Interpretation: 50 Marks
  • General/ Economy/ Banking Awareness: 60 Marks
  • English Language: 40 Marks

Descriptive Paper: English Language (Letter Writing & Essay): 50 Marks

Phase-III: Psychometric Test

The Bank may conduct a Psychometric test for personality profiling, of those candidates who will be shortlisted for Phase III. The finding of the test may be placed before the Interview panel for having a thorough perspective on the candidates.

Application Fee

Application Fee will be Rs. 750/- for General/ EWS/ OBC candidates and ‘Nil’ for SC/ST/PwBD candidates. Application Fee once paid will NOT be refunded on any account nor can it be held in reserve for any other examination or selection.

Candidates may follow below mentioned steps to apply online.

  • Scroll down, go to below Online Application Link.
  • Click on the “Apply Online” and complete the registration process by clicking “New Registration”.
  • In the next stage, click on “Online Application” Link and Login.
  • Fill your all personal and educational details and upload necessary documents.
  • At the end, submit the form.
  • Don’t forget to take a print out a copy of the submitted application form.

Those who wish to apply are advised to go through the below official notification in detail before submitting applications.

Online Application Link Click Here
Download  Official Notification Click Here
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